Helmut Jahn. GA Document 1 1980, 85 Hans Kollhoff. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, 62 Holscher Krohn Rasmussen. Architectural Review v.147 n.878 Apr 1970, 318 Robert Moses and Oscar Nitzchke. Architectural Forum 72 March 1940, 156 Herman Knebel. Pencil Points 20 June 1939, 409 Jean Nouvel. SD 290 August 1989, 47 Antoine Grumbach. Arquitectura (Madrid). 214 Sep 1978, 14 Arata Isozaki. Japan Architect 61 July 1986, 9 Francis E Lloyd. Architect and Engineer 138 39 July 1939, 48 Jean Nouvel. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, 70 Peter Cook. A+U  1983, Paolo Portoghesi and Vittorio Gigliotti. Arquitectura (Madrid). 214 Sep 1978, 21 Gunther Domenig. A+U 254 Nov 1991, 59 Greta Grossman. Arts and Architecture. Feb 1951, 32 Frank Gehry. GA Document. 5 1982, 80 Caudill Rowlett Scott. Architectural Record. Apr 1973, 144 Peter Eisenman. GA Document. 3 1981, 90 David du R. Aberdeen. Architectural Review v.122 n.731 Dec 1957, cover Max Bosshard, Christoph Luchsinger. Quaderns. 198 1993, 80 Fumihiko Maki. Japan Architect 16 Winter 1994, 125 H. Pottier. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui v. 25 no. 57 Dec 1954, 33 Jean Nouvel. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, cover Le Corbusier. Envisioning Architecture (MoMA, New York, 2002) 1929, 69 Bernard Tschumi. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 23 George Daub and Peter Blach. Architectural Forum 77 September 1942, 91 Steven Holl. GA Houses. 10 1982, 131 Scott Marble and Karen Fairbanks. Japan Architect 7 Summer 1992, 77 Ron Herron. Architectural Design 39 July 1969, 378 A Lawrence Kocher and Lyman Anderson. Architectural Forum 77 July 1942, 10 Bahram Shirdel and Robert Livesey. Japan Architect 7 Summer 1992, 79 Garofalo Lynn McInturf. Casabella 673 1999, 62 James L Bennett and Lawrence Mallard. Arts and Architecture. Aug 1953, 19 Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano. Auca. 33 1977, 41 Frank Lloyd Wright. Casabella 260 1962, 41 Tadao Ando. Japan Architect Apr 1988, 45 Giuseppe Mariani. Domus v.555 February 1976, 3 George Farkas. Interiors v.104 n.3 Oct 1944, 68 Kazuyo Sejima. Japan Architect 6 Spring 1992, 30 Charles Nicod. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.5 1907, 3 Adrian George. Architectural Design 42 August 1972, cover Oscar Niemeyer. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui v. 25 no. 52 Feb 1954, 27 Atsushi Kitagawara. Japan Architect Nov 1988, 12 Henry Bernard. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui v. 24 no. 49 Oct 1953, xxiii Andres Keller, Michael D Mackaulay. Quaderns. 198 1993, 16 Antonio Foscari, Iginio Cappai, Pietro Mainardis. Casabella 317 1967, cover Bea Goller i Yago Conde. Quaderns. 198 1993, 66 Louis Kahn. Perspecta 2 1953, 24 Zaha Hadid. GA Japan vol 12 Jan-Feb 1995, 41 Charles and Ray Eames. Architectural Forum Aug 1950, 90 Takefumi Aida. GA Houses. 4 1978, 88