Candida Amsden. Architectural Design 44 August 1974, 469 Peter Cook. A+U  1978, Atsushi Kitagawara. Japan Architect 8 Autumn 1992, 195 Sauerbruch Hutton.   1996, Weil Arets. AA Files 21 Spring 1991, 17 Turner Brooks. GA Houses. 7 1980, 204 Takefumi Aida. GA Houses. 4 1978, 89 Leon Haft. Balance v1, n3 1955, 8 Peter Cook. A+U  1975, Oscar Niemeyer. Modulo. 39 1965, 29 Leonardo Benevolo, Tommaso Giura Longo, Carlo Melograni. Casabella 289 1964, 37 Royal McClure and Thomas Adkison. Arts and Architecture. Feb 1950, 23 Sergio González, Pedro Iribarne, Gonzalo Mardones, Julio Mardones y Jorge Poblete. Auca. 1 1965, 40 Michael Laird. Architectural Review v.159 n.947 Jan 1976, 36 Charles Moore. Casabella 281 1963, 36 Giunta Comunale di Bologna. Casabella 269 1962, 15 Marcello Pietrantoni, Adalberto dal Largo, Libero Greco. Casabella 325 1968, 21 Iginio Cappai, Graziano Chiodini, Giuseppe Gambirasio, Simona Ganassi Sereni. Casabella 321 1967, 44 Ludwig Hilberseimer. Bauhaus 4-1 1929, 3 Christo. Domus 448 March 1967, 51 SITE. Architectural Record. Feb 1972, 102 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 104 Hiroshi Sasaki, Iroki Onobayashi, Hiroyasu Yamada. Casabella 273 1963, 37 Alvar Aalto. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 93 December 1960, XIII Unknown. Architectural Review v.156 n.930 Aug 1974, 136 Peter Eisenman. A+U 252 Sep 1991, 75 Lee Harris Pomeroy. Progressive Architecture 54 January 1973, 74 JD Leland and Co. Pencil Points 12 January 1931, 56 Helmut Jahn. Architectural Design 53 7-8 1983, 85 Atelier Bow Wow. Japan Architect 17 Spring 1995, 227 Stanley Tigerman and GL Crabtree. A+U 55 July 1975, 45 John G. Pickles. Architectural Review v.145 n.867 May 1969, 350 IM Pei. Progressive Architecture 29 February 1948, 52 John David Mooney. Architectural Design 53 3-4 1983, 91 Adrian Bold. Japan Architect Mar 1989, 13 Franco Purini. AA Files 8 January 1985, 102 Michael Webb. A+U 249 June 1991, 18 Louis Kahn. Casabella 275 1963, 33 Isamu Noguchi. Arts and Architecture. Apr 1953, 16 Steven Holl. GA Houses. 10 1982, 131