a partial index of published architectural rendering
about rndrd
most recently added
by year, old to new
by year, new to old
Giuseppe Nicolosi. Casabella 220 1958, 15
Frei Otto. Casabella 301 1966, 35
Giorgio Bay, Fausto Colombo, Pier Luigi Crosta, Giorgio Ferraresi, Cesare Pellegrini. Casabella 259 1962, 55
Alsop and Stormer. l'Arca 84 July-August 1994, 7
B. V. Doshi. Casabella 222 1958, 6
Diller Scofidio. Casabella 673 1999, 101
Robert Stern. Robert Stern. Architectural Design, London 1981, 48
Hans Hollein. Architectural Review v.150 n.896 Oct 1971, 254
Shin Takamatsu. l'Arca 77 December 1993, 34
Rodrigo Lagos B. Auca. 43 1981, 33
James Volney Richter and F. Andrus Burr. GA Houses. 7 1980, 177
Kenzo Tange. Bauwelt 28-29 1967, 797
Groupe Miastro. Cree 5 1970, 70
Adrian Luchini. A+U 191 August 1986, 103
Alvar Aalto. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 93 December 1960, 13
Christo. Domus 448 March 1967, 51
London Borough of Camden Architects Department. Architectural Review v.166 n.989 Jul 1979, 90
Philip Johnson and John Burgee. GA Document. 3 1981, 6
Daverman Associates. Architectural Record. Apr 1970, 43
Itsuko Hasegawa. Japan Architect 19 Autumn 1995, 74
John David Mooney. Architectural Design 53 3-4 1983, 91
Oscar Niemeyer. Modulo. 15 1959, 12
Peter Cook. A+U 1979,
Archigram. Casabella 305 1966, 23
Ronald Krueck and Keith Olsen. Progressive Architecture 61 June 1980, 75
Iosa Ghini. l'Arca 77 December 1993, 87
Gruppo Sacripanti. L'Architettura 1966,
Carrere and Hastings. Architectural Record 27 10 January 1910, 103
Charles Eames. Architectural Review v.125 n.745 Feb 1959, 106
L. Finzi. Casabella 309 1966, 59
Anthony Ames. Architectural Record 174 Aug 1986, 127
Emilio Ambasz. Architectural Record 172 Sep 1984, 131
Robert Stern. Robert Stern. Architectural Design, London 1981, cover
Jorge Caprario. Arquitectura. v.4 n.27 1918, 61
Giunta Comunale di Bologna. Casabella 269 1962, 15
Hans Kollhoff. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, 62
Carl Koch. Interiors v.103 n.7 Feb 1944, 41
Kenzo Tange. Casabella 258 1961, 3
Kenji Ekuan. Architectural Design 37 May 1967, 214
Frank Lloyd Wright. Envisioning Architecture (MoMA, New York, 2002) 1940, 95