Asymptote Architecture. Casabella 673 1999, 108 Vittoriano Vigano. Casabella 340 1969, 63 Michael Szyszkowitz and Karla Kowalski. A+U 238 July 1990, 135 A Stockbridge. Architectural Design 35 July 1965, cover Michael Graves. GA Document. 10 1984, 13 Martha Botto et Gregorio Vardanega. Cree 1 8 1969, Richard Meier. Architectural Record. Feb 1974, 118 Gino Pollini and Luigi Figini. Casabella 270 1962, 8 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 148 R.L. Gandolfi, L. Forte Netto, J. M. Gandolfi, L. Ficinski Dunin, J Lerner. Casabella 299 1965, 68 Paul Klee. Architectural Review v.120 n.716 Sep 1956, 148 Chaures. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.6 1911, 32 Ulrich Konigs. AA Files 29 Summer 1995, 33 Peter Sabara. AA Files 27 Summer 1994, 83 Morphosis. GA Houses. 9 1981, 171 Collaborative Phase One Plus. Architectural Record. Dec 1972, 89 Mies van der Rohe. Architectural Record. Mar 1971, cover Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 64 Christopher Alexander. Landscape 14 Spring 1965, 6 Milton Keynes. Architectural Design 44 August 1974, 511 Martin and Ortega. Architectural Record. Jul 1974, 40 Robert R. Rahman and John H. Langlois. Architectural Forum Jul 1950, 96 Robert Stern. Robert Stern. Architectural Design, London 1981, 18 Allan Greenberg. Architectural Design v.62 n.5 1992, 95 Elbasani Logan Severin. Architectural Record. Dec 1974, 39 Jose Carre. Arquitectura. v.3 n.20 1917, 84 Alvar Aalto. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 93 December 1960, 13 Pirelli. Domus 310 September 1955, D Michel Corajoud. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 179 Zaha Hadid. AA Files 15 Summer 1987, 86 Ezra Orion. Architectural Review v.147 n.880 Jun 1970, 396 Norman Foster. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, 34 Sylvie Chirat. Japan Architect Mar 1989, 19 Studio Kazanski. Domus 545 April 1975, 8 Burchell F. Pinnock. Japan Architect Mar 1989, 29 Gwathmey Seigel. GA Document. 4 1981, 80 Ryoji Suzuki. Japan Architect 10 Summer 1993, 103 Daniel Libeskind. AA Files 14 Spring 1987, 34 Per Bambini. Domus 548 July 1975, 36 Takefumi Aida. Japan Architect Feb 1989, 30