a partial index of published architectural rendering
about rndrd
most recently added
by year, old to new
by year, new to old
Ford and Earl. Architectural Record. Jan 1974, 40
Ralph Rapson. Interiors v.105 n.1 Aug 1945, 10
Ian Akroyd and Karen Whatley . Architectural Design 53 3-4 1983, 59
Tatsuhiko Nakajima. Japan Architect 61 July 1986, 27
Superstudio. Architectural Record. Jan 1974, 35
Le Corbusier. Envisioning Architecture (MoMA, New York, 2002) 1932, 75
Remment Koolhass and Laurinda Spear. Progressive Architecture 56 January 1975, 47
Krishna Mathur. Architectural Design 44 September 1974, 596
Hiroshi Hara. GA Document. 4 1981, 112
O. M. Ungers. Architectural Design v.61 1991, 0
Paul Rudolph. Domus v.558 May 1976, 20
Mokoto Suzuki. GA Houses. 14 1983, 62
Thom Mayne. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 271 October 1990, 121
Herbert H Johnson. Architectural Record. Sep 1973, 39
Bernard Tschumi. A+U Special Issue March 1994, 106
Arquitectonica. GA Houses. 8 1981, 106
James Corner. Taking Measure Across the American Landscape. Yale University Press, New Haven 1995, 6
Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano. Auca. 33 1977, 18
Skidmore Owings Merrill. Architectural Forum Aug 1950, 102
Raul Diaz Gomez. Calli. 38 1969, 14
Emilio Ambasz. A+U Special Edition (April 1993) 1986, 16
Bernard Tschumi. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 27
Sergio Bernardes. Modulo. 25 1961, 8
Unknown. Architectural Review v.156 n.930 Aug 1974, 136
Faber Birren. Architectural Forum 81 July 1944, 6
Emilio Ambasz. A+U Special Edition (April 1993) 1987, 22
Paul Nelson. Balance v1, n2 1955, 14
Hans Hoffmann. Balance v3, n4 1957, 13
Adrian George. Architectural Design 40 March 1970, cover
SITE. Architectural Record 172 Mar 1984, 137
Asymptote Architecture. Casabella 673 1999, 108
David Howells and Bill Tingey. Japan Architect 53 Feb 1978, 49
OMA. Lotus 11 1976, 40
Stanley Tigerman and GL Crabtree. A+U 55 July 1975, 33
M. F. Roggero. Casabella 317 1967, 64
Coop Himmelblau. AAFiles 15 Summer 1987, 21
Hector Caselli. Arquitectura. v.4 n.29 1918, 71
Cheesewright Mason. Interiors v.100 n.6 Jan 1941, 22
Turner Brooks. GA Houses. 7 1980, 204
Emilio Ambasz. Architectural Record 172 Sep 1984, 131