a partial index of published architectural rendering
about rndrd
most recently added
by year, old to new
by year, new to old
Bolles Wilson. AA Files 20 Autumn 1990, 68
Yona Friedman. Casabella 297 1965, 46
Bernard Tschumi. AA Files 13 Autumn 1986, 25
Stanley Tigerman and GL Crabtree. A+U 55 July 1975, 45
Juan Jose Salas. Calli. 20 1966, 16
Takenaka. Architectural Record. Sep 1972, 43
Constantino Dardi Giovanni Morabito. Casabella 336 1969, 15
Yutaka Hikosaka. Japan Architect Nov 1988, 21
Eduard Francois i Francois Roche. Quaderns. 194 1992, 64
Andres Crisosto. Auca. 36 1979, 22
Manolo Numez-Yanowsky. GA Document. 8 1983, 134
Antoine Grumbach. Arquitectura (Madrid). 214 Sep 1978, 14
Gordon Smith Studio GRAU Stanley Tigerman. GA Document 2 1980, 18
Adrian Bold. Japan Architect Mar 1989, 13
Max Bill. Casabella 228 1959, cover
Gunnar Birkerts. Architectural Record. Oct 1971, cover
Gae Aulenti. Casabella 276 1963, 23
Manuel A. Infante y Enrique Ihnen. Auca. 34 1978, 56
Norman Bel Geddes. Pencil Points 18 January 1937, 13
Kazumasa Yamashita. Architectural Review v.158 n.946 Dec 1975, 381
Louis Kahn. Perspecta 2 1953, 18
Mies van der Rohe. Architectural Record. Mar 1971, cover
Yutaka Hikosaka. Japan Architect Nov 1988, 20
Masamitsu Nozawa. Japan Architect 52 Sep 1977, 40
Bernard Tschumi. A+U Special Issue March 1994, 86
Enrico Castiglioni. Domus 403 June 1963, 6
Peter Cook. A+U 1979,
Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 96
Louis Kahn. Casabella 275 1963, 33
Georges Tourry. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui v. 20 no. 32 Oct 1950, 33
Bente and Ernst Lohse. A+U 188 May 1986, 51
Wright Willis Conklin Geddes. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui v. 20 no. 28 Feb 1950, 86
Brigitte Shim and Howard Sutcliffe. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 270 September 1990, 147
Derek Stow. Architectural Review v.143 n.851 Jan 1968, 13
Eduardo Paolozzi. Architectural Design 35 September 1965, cover
Peter Eisenman. GA Document. 3 1981, 92
Eero Saarinen. Architectural Forum 78 January 1943, 58
R. Puig, F. Pulin. Casabella 299 1965, 72
Louis Kahn. Casabella 241 1960, 13
A. V. Vlasov. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 63 Dec 1955, 89