a partial index of published architectural rendering
about rndrd
most recently added
by year, old to new
by year, new to old
Paolo Soleri. Casabella 305 1966, 24
Walker and Weeks. Architectural Record 47 20 June 1920, 515
Zaha Hadid. AA Files 17 Spring 1989, 67
Inaki Abalos, Juan Herreros. Quaderns. 198 1993, 73
Maurice Boutterin. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.5 1908, 14
Morphosis. GA Houses. 9 1981, 155
Emilio Ambasz. Architectural Record 172 Sep 1984, 133
Fernand Janin. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.5 1905, 10
Gabriella Esposito Roberto Maestro Sergio Nicola. Domus 411 February 1964, 4
Loris G Macci. l'Arca 84 July-August 1994, 20
Hector Guimard (1912). Hector Guimard(Monograph Series), Architectural Design, London 1978, 75
Louis Kahn. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui v. 25 no. 55 Jul 1954, 11
Oscar Niemeyer. Architectural Review v.129 n.769 Mar 1961, 149
Ben van Berkel. AA Files 28 Autumn 1994, 24
L. Gerstell. Casabella 305 1966, 25
R.Buckminster Fuller. Calli. 24 1966, 29
Morihiko Yasuhara and Reiko Yasuhara. Japan Architect 53 Feb 1978, 44
Max Bill. Casabella 228 1959, 38
Arquitectonica. GA Document. 7 1983, 56
Franco Purini AA Files 8 January 1985, 102
Gunnar Birkerts. Progressive Architecture 54 March 1973, 73
Richard Howard. Architectural Record. May 1971, 76
Paul Rudolph. Architectural Record. Nov 1970, 100
John Portman. GA Document. 3 1981, 97
Adrian George. Architectural Design 40 March 1970, cover
Ahrends Burton Koralek. Architectural Review v.163 n.971 Jan 1978, 30
Makoto Sei Watanabe. Japan Architect Nov 1988, 70
Peter Wilson. AA Files 18 Autumn 1989, 44
Terry Farrell and Robert Adam. Architectural Design v.62 n.5 1992, 28
Ryoji Suzuki. Japan Architect 6 Spring 1992, 111
Eric Mendelsohn. Architectural Forum Apr 1953, 119
Soria and Lezenes. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 231 February 1984, 53
Michael Gold. AA Files 19 Spring 1990, 19
Ferendino Grafton Spillis Candela. Architectural Record. Apr 1974, 34
Fritz Jaenecke and Sten Samuelson. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 63 Dec 1955, 82