Stanley Tigerman and GL Crabtree. A+U 55 July 1975, 1 Juha Leiviska. A+U 250 Jul 1991, 105 Stanley Tigerman and GL Crabtree. A+U 55 July 1975, 1 Jean-Michel Crettaz, Peter Wilson. A+U 218 November 1988, 48 Daniel Liebeskind. A+U 215 August 1988, 93-94 Lainer Auer. A+U 258 Mar 1992, 53 Douglas Darden. A+U 245 February 1991, 55 Zaha Hadid. A+U 204 September 1987, 6 Peter Cook. A+U  1983, Martin Price. A+U 218 November 1988, 11