a partial index of published architectural rendering
about rndrd
most recently added
by year, old to new
by year, new to old
Gian Ugo Polesello. Casabella 276 1963, 46
Genji Tsutsui, Kazuo Shimizu. Japan Architect Feb 1988, 63
Toyo Ito. GA Japan vol 3 Spring 1993, 62
Robert Foote Shannon. GA Houses. 11 1982, 148
Arata Isozaki. Japan Architect 12 Winter 1993, 93
Dominique Perrault. l'Arca 87 November 1994, 9
Theodore Luderowski. Architectural Forum 79 September 1943, 92
Michael Hofstatter, Wolfgang Pauzenberger. Quaderns. 198 1993, 87
Planert and Lange. Interiors v.100 n.6 Jan 1941, 26
Constant. Architectural Design 28 November 1958, 464
Michel Corajoud. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 179
Hammond Beeby Babka. Progressive Architecture 61 January 1980, 103
Atsushi Kitagawara. Japan Architect 8 Autumn 1992, 64
Sauerbruch Hutton. 1996,
Peter L Gluck. Architectural Record 174 April 1986, 123
Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 142
Giorgio Grassi. Lotus 36 1982, 80
Augusto H. Alvarez. Calli. 29 1967, 46
Moshe Safdie. Calli. 24 1966, 27
German National Research Centre for Information Technology and Computer Science. l'Arca 94 June 1995, 84
Stanley Tigerman. Progressive Architecture 54 March 1973, 105
Louis Kahn. Casabella 241 1960, 13
Gerald Exline. A+U 254 Nov 1991, 9
Kenzo Tange. Casabella 258 1961, 21
Venturi Scott Brown. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 273 February 1991, 87
Domus 270 May 1952
Bernard. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.4 1900, 475
Kenzo Tange. Bauwelt 28-29 1967, 796
Takamatsu. l'Arca 67 January 1993, 25
Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 86
Angelo Mangiarotti and Bruno Morassutti. Domus 309 August 1955, 5
Robert Krier. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 207 February 1980, 13
Hani Rashid and Lisa Anne Couture. A+U 241 October 1990, 38-39
Emilio Ambasz. A+U Special Edition (April 1993) 1991, cover
Michele Achilli, Guido Canella, Lucio Stellario D'Angiolini, Virgilio Vercelloni. Casabella 278 1963, 37