Daniel Liebeskind. Architectural Design 60 1990, 67 Herbet Missoni. Domus 447 February 1967, 18 Stanley Tigerman. Progressive Architecture 61 January 1980, 108 Maurizio Sacripanti. Casabella 268 1962, 49 Giuseppe Mario Oliveri. Casabella 301 1966, 28 HC Schulitz. Casabella 347 1970, 15 Bernard Tschumi. A+U 216 September 1988, 36 Howe and Lescaze. Architectural Record 68 30 October 1930, 440 Grosche Borner and Stumpfel. Bauwelt 38-29 1967, 1145 Architetti Associati di Novara. Casabella 259 1962, 39