Arquitectonica. GA Houses. 8 1981, 107 Atelier Lucien Kroll. GA Houses. 3 1977, 34 Alberto Munoz. Arquitectura. v.3 n.20 1917, 91 Neil Denari. A+U 246 March 1991, 35 Foster Associates. Architectural Review v.153 n.911 Jan 1973, 21 H. Douglas Byles, Eugene Weston, William Rudolph. Arts and Architecture. Sep 1952, 19 Frei Otto. Casabella 301 1966, 39 Eduardo Catalano. Arts and Architecture. Apr 1953, 18 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 103 Jarvis Putty Jarvis. Architectural Record 173 Jan 1985, 151 Roberto Dias and Eugert Novaes Vian. Casabella 218 1958, 39 Rem Koolhaas. A+U 217 October 1988, 125 Arnold Lorenzen. Pencil Points 18 August 1937, 501 Enrico Castiglioni. Domus 403 June 1963, 7 Gae Aulenti. Casabella 276 1963, 19 Donald E Olsen. Pencil Points 24 February 1943, 39 Architetti Associati di Novara. Casabella 259 1962, 39 Shoichi Hariu and Hitoshi Abe. Japan Architect 19 Autumn 1995, 138 Oliver Cox. Architectural Review v.117 n.702 Jun 1955, xlix Seiji Komatsu. SD 327 December 1991, 24 John B Pierce Foundation. Architectural Forum 78 April 1943, 54 Francis Martinuzzi. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 264 1990, 62 Miguel Pereira and J. C. Paiva da Silva. Modulo. 29 1962, 27 James Lambeth. Architectural Record. Dec 1972, 103 Stanley Tigerman and GL Crabtree. A+U 55 July 1975, 3 Gian Luigi Banfi, Enrico Perssutti, and Ernesto N Rogers. Casabella 270 1962, 5 Helmut Jahn. Architectural Design 53 7-8 1983, 85 Ulrich Konigs. AA Files 29 Summer 1995, 32 The Architects Collaborative. Casabella 220 1958, 4 Emilio Ambasz. Architectural Record 172 Sep 1984, 131 Heery & Heery. Architectural Record. Jun 1973, 67 Charles Moore. Arts and Architecture  1985, Janek Bielski. A+U 261 June 1992, 34 James Corner. Taking Measure Across the American Landscape. Yale University Press, New Haven 1995, 29 Yona Friedman. Casabella 297 1965, 45