a partial index of published architectural rendering
about rndrd
most recently added
by year, old to new
by year, new to old
Frank LaPrelle. Arts and Architecture. Aug 1950, 35
Isidro Suarez and Juan Borchers. Auca. 36 1979, 58
Charles Eames. Architectural Review v.125 n.745 Feb 1959, 105
Hamilton Fellows and Nedved. Pencil Points 12 March 1931, 224
Emilio Ambasz. A+U Special Edition (April 1993) 1989, 32
Rodrigo Marquez. Auca. 35 1978, 37
Steven Holl. GA Houses. 10 1982, 131
Loris G Macci. l'Arca 84 July-August 1994, 2
Miles Sater. Pencil Points 20 January 1939, 30
OMA. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 44
Grosche Borner and Stumpfel. Bauwelt 38-29 1967, 1145
Arquitectonica. GA Houses. 8 1981, 109
Martha Botto et Gregorio Vardanega. Cree 1 8 1969,
Miguel Pereira and J. C. Paiva da Silva. Modulo. 29 1962, 27
Kenneth Agnew. Architectural Review v.145 n.868 June 1969, 413
Vico Magistretti, Gian Ugo Polesello, Aldo Rossi. Casabella 268 1962, 47
Craig Hodgetts and Lester Walker. Architectural Design 40 April 1970, 178
Michael Graves. GA Document. 10 1984, 17
Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 148
Auzelles, Herbe, Camelot, de Mailly y Zehrfuss. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui. 97 Sep 1961, 17
Humphrey Spender. Architectural Review v.117 n.698 Feb 1955, 79
OMA. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 43
Renzo Piano. Japan Architect 11 Autumn 1993, 68
Jean Nouvel. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, cover
Robert Griffin. AA Files 6 May 1984, 86
Peter Salter. AA Files 22 Autumn 1991, 17
Eduard Bru. Quaderns. 190 1991, 74
Cambridge Seven Associates. Domus 542 January 1975, 9
Luis Izquierdo W. Auca. 43 1981, 54
Eduard Francois i Francois Roche. Quaderns. 194 1992, 64
Noriaki Kurokawa. Casabella 273 1963, 33
Ricardo Bofill. GA Houses. 1 1976, 22
Hans Hoffmann. Balance v3, n4 1957, 13
Peter Muller-Munk. Interiors v.103 n.4 Nov 1943, 51
Walter Gropius. Bauhaus 1-2 1927, 1