Charles and Ray Eames. Architectural Forum Aug 1950, 90 Douglas Frederick and Ann Cederna. A+U 243 December 1990, 59 James Corner. Taking Measure Across the American Landscape. Yale University Press, New Haven 1995, xiv Paul Rudolph. Architectural Record. Nov 1970, 100 Gin Johannes. AA Files 29 Summer 1995, 41 L Hugh Wilson DR Leaker and Geoffrey Copcutt. Domus 409 December 1963, 16 Mario Botta. GA Houses. 3 1977, 90 Oscar Nitzchke. Envisioning Architecture (MoMA, New York, 2002) 1936, 81 Iginio Cappai, Graziano Chiodini, Giuseppe Gambirasio, Simona Ganassi Sereni. Casabella 321 1967, 44 Makoto Kikuchi. Japan Architect Nov 1988, 47