a partial index of published architectural rendering
about rndrd
most recently added
by year, old to new
by year, new to old
Giuliano Baggatioli. Domus v.555 February 1976, 4
Enrico Castiglioni. Domus 287 October 1953, 3
Paolo Soleri. l'Arca 77 December 1993, 31
Carl Koch. Interiors v.103 n.7 Feb 1944, 41
Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 51
Frank Lloyd Wright, Heinrich Klumb, Takehiko Okami. Envisioning Architecture (MoMA, New York, 2002) 1929, 43
E. F. Catalano. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui v. 24 no. 50 Dec 1953, 128
Bea Goller i Yago Conde. Quaderns. 198 1993, 66
Carlo Scarpa. Casabella 222 1958, 17
Peter Eisenman. A+U 252 Sep 1991, 91
Atsushi Kitagawara. Japan Architect 8 Autumn 1992, 195
Archigram. Perspecta 11 1967, 154
Jean-Michel Crettaz, Peter Wilson. A+U 218 November 1988, 48
Eugene Kupper. GA Houses. 9 1981, 95
Giuseppe Nicolosi. Casabella 220 1958, 15
Kisho Kurokawa. Architectural Record. Feb 1973, 113
Guy Rothenstein. Progressive Architecture 29 June 1948, 86
Neil Denari. A+U 246 March 1991, 21
Ove Arup. Casabella 252 1961, 44
Peter Thomas. AA Files 13 Autumn 1986, 95
Gunther Domenig. AA Files 13 Autumn, 103
Vico Magistretti, Gian Ugo Polesello, Aldo Rossi. Casabella 268 1962, 47
Maurice Boutterin. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.5 1908, 14
Shin Takamatsu. Architecture and Nothingness. L'Arca Milano 1996, 193
James Corner. Taking Measure Across the American Landscape. Yale University Press, New Haven 1995, xiv
Terry Farrell and Robert Adam. Architectural Design v.62 n.5 1992, 31
Yutaka Hikosaka. Japan Architect Nov 1988, 24
Skidmore Owings Merrill. Architectural Record 100 August 1946, 74
Enrique Castaneda. Calli. 34 1968, 45
Foster Associates. Architectural Review v.151 n.899 Jan 1972, 18
L. Gerstell. Casabella 305 1966, 25
BBPR. Casabella 232 1959, 10
Candida Amsden. Architectural Design 44 August 1974, 469
Konrad Puschel. Bauhaus 3-1 1929, 17
Per Bambini. Domus 548 July 1975, 36