Libbey Owens Ford Glass Co. Architect and Engineer 136 7 March 1939, 5 Carlo Scarpa. Casabella 222 1958, 19 Eckhard Schulze-Fielitz. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 102 Jun 1962, 78 Gwathmey Seigel. GA Document. 4 1981, 86 Bolles Wilson. AA Files 20 Autumn 1990, 68 Angelos C. Demetriou. Architectural Record. Apr 1974, 34 Christo. Domus 448 March 1967, 51 Sidney Gordin. Arts and Architecture. Aug 1954, 13 Affonso Eduardo Reidy and Roberto Burle Marx. Casabella 218 1958, 37 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 120 Masanori Kei. Japan Architect 53 Feb 1978, 47 Stanley Tigerman and GL Crabtree. A+U 55 July 1975, 45 M. Arthur Gensler Jr.. Architectural Record. Apr 1974, 37 Kazuo Shinohara. Japan Architect 61 September 1986, 7 Groupe Miastro. Cree 5 1970, 68 Zaha Hadid Kasha Knapkiewicz Jonathan Dunn Bijan Ganjei. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 233 June 1984, 67 Giannni Arnaudo and Sergio Gallo. l'Arca 78 January 1994, 63 O. M. Ungers. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, 98 Gordon Cullen. Architectural Review  1955, Mariana and Associates. Architectural Record. May 1974, 41 Stanley Tigerman. GA Houses. 6 1979, 45 Norman Bel Geddes. Pencil Points 18 January 1937, 13 John Portman. GA Document. 3 1981, 97 Josep Lluis Mateo. Quaderns. 192 1992, 28 Helmut Schulitz. GA Houses. 2 1977, 69 Alsop and Stormer. l'Arca 84 July-August 1994, 7 Lee Harris Pomeroy. Progressive Architecture 54 January 1973, 74 Unknown. Architectural Review v.166 n.991 Sep 1979, 148 Peter Cook. A+U  1970, Steven Holl. GA Houses. 10 1982, 128 SITE. Architectural Record. Feb 1972, 102 Isidro Suarez and Juan Borchers. Auca. 36 1979, 58 Louis Poulsen. Cree 1 1969, ad Paolo Soleri. Casabella 224 (1959) 1948, 17 Bernard. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.4 1900, 477