Lebbeus Woods. AA Files 11 Spring 1986, 86 Philip Johnson. Casabella 269 1962, 83 James Volney Richter and F. Andrus Burr. GA Houses. 7 1980, 177 Philip Johnson and John Burgee. GA Document. 3 1981, 6 Volker Giencke. Japan Architect 53 Feb 1978, 23 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 66 Walter F Bogner. Architectural Forum 77 September 1942, 81 Milton Keynes. Architectural Design 44 August 1974, 511 Daniel Liebeskind. A+U 215 August 1988, 93-94 Gene Loose. Arts and Architecture. Mar 1951, 26