Mario Botta. GA Document. 6 1983, 27 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 120 Aiko Miyawaki. GA Document. 9 1984, 5 Hiroshi Nakao. Japan Architect 6 Spring 1992, 43 Gunnar Birkerts. Architectural Record. Oct 1971, 110 Charles and Ray Eames. Architectural Forum Aug 1950, 90 Alsop and Stormer. l'Arca 84 July-August 1994, 9 James Lambeth. Architectural Record. Dec 1972, 103 Constantino Dardi Giovanni Morabito. Casabella 336 1969, 14 Steven Holl. A+U 208 January 1988, 50 Peter Cook. A+U  1975, Martin Price. A+U 218 November 1988, 11 Fumica Takemura. AA Files 29 Summer 1995, 43 Nation Paint Varnish Lacquer Assn. Architectural Forum 80 February 1944, 6 Alison and Peter Smithson(1955). Alison and Peter Smithson. Architectural Design, London 1982, 31 Kenji Ekuan. Architectural Design 37 May 1967, 214 Genji Tsutsui, Kazuo Shimizu. Japan Architect Feb 1988, 63 Burchell F. Pinnock. Japan Architect Mar 1989, 29 Peter Cook. A+U  1983, Norman Foster. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, 34 Arquitectonica. GA Document. 7 1983, 28 Nip Khiu Lein. Japan Architect 20 Winter 1995, 216 Coop Himmelblau. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, 1 Jurgen and Juscher. Bauwelt 28-39 1967, 799 Shin Takamatsu. Architecture and Nothingness. L'Arca Milano 1996, 193 Mies van der Rohe. Arts and Architecture. Mar 1952, 21 Alain Sarfati. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 258 September 1988, 71 MLTW Turnbull. Progressive Architecture 56 January 1975, 54 Juan Jose Diaz Infante N. Calli. 25 1967, 54 Bernard Tschumi. A+U 216 September 1988, 29 Anthony Ames. Architectural Record 174 Aug 1986, 125 Peter Cook. A+U  1978, Morihiko Yasuhara and Reiko Yasuhara. Japan Architect 53 Feb 1978, 44 Constantino Nivola. Interiors v.101 n.4 Nov 1941, 26 James Stirling. Architectural Review v.155 n.926 Apr 1974, 212 Tsuyoshi Satano. SD 327 December 1991, 32 Matthew Nowicki. Architectural Forum Oct 1950, 207 Coop Himmelblau. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, 26 Weldon Clark. Architectural Design 37 April 1967, 193 Gaetano Pesce. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 233 June 1984, 62