Thomas S Tait. Architectural Record 68 30 October 1930, 314 Carlos Mena Mania. Auca. 26 1974, 31 Leon Haft. Balance v1, n3 1955, 8 Jean Le Couteur, Denis Sloan. Cree 2 1969, Katsuhiro Kobayashi. Japan Architect 6 Spring 1992, 207 Seow Lee Heah. Architectural Record. Nov 1971, 44 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 78 John Portman. Architectural Record. Nov 1974, 35 Hoberman and Wasserman. Architectural Record. Apr 1971, 127 Scott Simeral. Japan Architect 53 Feb 1978, 32