Bernard. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.4 1900, 477 L. Duran Veiga and E. Duran Guani. Arquitectura. v.3 n.23 1917, 132 Kijo Rokkaku. GA Houses. 14 1983, 148 Carrere and Hastings. Architectural Record 27 10 January 1910, 103 Peter Eisenman. A+U 252 Sep 1991, 91 Bernard Tschumi. Arquitectura Viva v.12 May-June 1993, 16 Piet Blom. GA Houses. 3 1977, 43 Michel Ecochard. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui. 96 Jun 1961, xxv Hammond Beeby Babka. Progressive Architecture 61 January 1980, 103 Stanley Tigerman. GA Houses. 6 1979, 37 Fernando Domeyko. Auca. 34 1978, 46 Alison and Peter Smithson(1968). Alison and Peter Smithson. Architectural Design, London 1982, 19 Hodgetts and Fung. A+U 246 March 1991, 124 Lainer Auer. A+U 258 Mar 1992, 53 Stanley Tigerman. GA Houses. 2 1977, 30 David Reddick. Architectural Review v.163 n.972 Feb 1978, 75 Bernard Tschumi. A+U Special Issue March 1994, 103 Eugene Bigot. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.4 1900, 472 William Morgan. Architectural Record. Sep 1972, 136 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 142 Studio Quaroni, Studio DOlivo, Studio A Manzone. Casabella 283 1964, 55 Kenzo Tange. Sinkentiku. June 1956, 26 Hiroshi Nakao. Japan Architect 11 Autumn 1993, 205 Vigier, Jodry, Seigneur. Arquitectura Viva v.14 September-October 1990, 8 Dorian Dorian Paquet and Vitra. Pencil Points 18 April 1937, 217 Vittoriano Vigano. Casabella 340 1969, 63 Sundberg Ferar. Interiors v.105 n.6 Jan 1946, 86 Pirkko and Pekka Piira. Casabella 323 1968, 7 M. F. Roggero. Casabella 317 1967, 64 Takefumi Aida. Japan Architect Feb 1989, 30 David Wahler. Arts and Architecture. Apr 1954, 25 Tadao Ando. Japan Architect Jul 1987, 18 Pica Ciamarra Associati. l'Arca 96 September 1995, 44 Kiyonori Kikutake. Casabella 273 1963, 34 Charles Abella. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.5 1906, 8 Tadao Ando. Japan Architect Apr 1988, 45 Norimasa Azumada and Yuriko Azumada. Japan Architect 53 Feb 1978, 46 Georges Tourry. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui v. 20 no. 32 Oct 1950, 33 Gunnar Birkerts. Architectural Record. Oct 1971, cover Studio Capolei Cavalli Studio Valle. l'Arca 94 June 1995, 44