Kazuo Shinohara. Japan Architect 61 September 1986, 7 Archigram. Architectural Design 41 August 1971, 493 Philip Lewis. Arts and Architecture. Aug 1953, 19 Haus-Rucker-Co. Architectural Design  1970, Oscar Niemeyer. Architectural Review v.125 n.745 Feb 1959, 102 Eugene Raskin. Pencil Points 20 January 1939, 37 Samuel Glaser and Ladislav Rado. Interiors v.104 n.3 Oct 1944, 75 Ron Herron. AA Files 19 Spring 1990, 15 Fernando Higueras Diaz. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui. 95 Apr 1961, xxvi Morris Ketchum and Jedd Reisner. Architectural Forum 77 September 1942, 94 Francisco J Serrano, Luis MacGregor, Fernando Pineda. Calli. 21 1966, 50 Heery & Heery. Architectural Record. Jun 1973, 67 Arquitectonica. GA Houses. 8 1981, 107 Kazuyo Sejima. Japan Architect 6 Spring 1992, 30 Walter Gropius. Bauhaus 1-2 1927, 1 Christopher Alexander. Landscape 14 Spring 1965, 6 A Lawrence Kocher and Lyman Anderson. Architectural Forum 77 July 1942, 10 Yasuhiro Myogahara. Japan Architect 53 Feb 1978, 47 Mies van der Rohe. Architectural Record 68 30 October 1930, 490 Future Systems. l'Arca 81 April 1994, 25 Roberto Pamio. l'Arca 67 January 1993, 83 Constantino Nivola. Interiors v.101 n.4 Nov 1941, 26 Philip Johnson and John Burgee. GA Document. 3 1981, 6 Gardner A Dailey. Architectural Forum 76 February 1942, 91 Vico Magistretti, Gian Ugo Polesello, Aldo Rossi. Casabella 268 1962, 47 Gunther Suhrcke Caballero. Auca. 38 1979, 67 Architectural Record 10 1 January 1901, 49 Burkhard Grashorn. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 144 Klein Partnership. Architectural Record. Dec 1973, 13 James L Bennett and Lawrence Mallard. Arts and Architecture. Aug 1953, 19 Arata Isozaki. GA Houses. 4 1978, 40 Arata Isozaki. Japan Architect 12 Winter 1993, 93 Gunnar Birkerts. GA Document. 9 1984, 97 Giorgio Bay, Fausto Colombo, Pier Luigi Crosta, Giorgio Ferraresi, Cesare Pellegrini. Casabella 259 1962, 47 Studio65. l'Arca 77 December 1993, 42