Giannni Arnaudo and Sergio Gallo. l'Arca 78 January 1994, 63 Carlo Moretti. Domus v.558 May 1976, 11 Herman Knebel. Pencil Points 20 June 1939, 409 Emilio Ambasz. A+U Special Edition (April 1993) 1989, 32 Yona Friedman. Casabella 297 1965, 46 Kenneth Browne. Architectural Review v.122 n.727 Aug 1957, 122 Giorgio Bay, Fausto Colombo, Pier Luigi Crosta, Giorgio Ferraresi, Cesare Pellegrini. Casabella 259 1962, 47 Paul Rudolph. Architectural Record. Aug 1971, 88 Bini Brothers. Domus 471 February 1969, 25 Arquitectonica. GA Houses. 8 1981, 108 Hiroshi Kawahito. Japan Architect 20 Winter 1995, 209 Eduard Bru. Quaderns. 190 1991, 74 Peter Cook. A+U  1978, Richmond H Shreve. Pencil Points 20 July 1939, 424 Camille Lefevre. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.5 1905, 6 Albrecht Heubner. Envisioning Architecture (MoMA, New York, 2002) 1928, 58 Steven Holl. GA Houses. 10 1982, 128 Paul Rudolph. Architectural Record. Sep 1970, 148 Borja Garcia Huidobro. Auca. 41 1981, 24 Tadao Ando. GA Houses. 6 1979, 183 Paul Rudolph. Architectural Record. Nov 1970, 89 Bernard Tschumi. A+U Special Issue March 1994, 86 Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee. Arts and Architecture  1984, Curtis Woodwork Co. Architectural Forum 78 April 1943, 6 San'ichiro Minami. Japan Architect 53 Feb 1978, 46 Kazuhiro Ishii. Japan Architect Aug 1987, 49 Richard Meier. GA Document. 6 1983, 84 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 104 Harbin F Hunter. Architect and Engineer 138 39 October 1939, 30 Marcello Pietrantoni, Adalberto dal Largo, Libero Greco. Casabella 325 1968, 21 Arata Isozaki. GA Document. 8 1983, 57 Alsop and Stormer. l'Arca 84 July-August 1994, 6 Vigier, Jodry, Seigneur. Arquitectura Viva v.14 September-October 1990, 8 Eugene Kinn Choy. Architect and Engineer 136 37 April 1939, 37 Stanley Tigerman and GL Crabtree. A+U 55 July 1975, 39 Hector Guimard (1912). Hector Guimard(Monograph Series), Architectural Design, London 1978, 75 IM Pei. Progressive Architecture 29 February 1948, 52 Cedric Price (1966). AA Files 8 January 1985, 99 Centrokappa. Lotus 8 Sep 1974, iv Piero Sartogo. Domus 478 September 1969, 8 Robert Stern. Robert Stern. Architectural Design, London 1981, 48 Michael Graves. GA Houses. 2 1977, 10 Bernard Tschumi. A+U 216 September 1988, 54 Weil Arets. AA Files 21 Spring 1991, 17 Gian Paolo Valenti. Casabella 324 1968, 51 Gian Paolo Valenti. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 102 Jun 1962, xvii Rodrigo Marquez. Auca. 35 1978, 37 Richard Neutra. Architectural Record 68 30 August 1930, 100 Hiroshi Nakao. Japan Architect 6 Spring 1992, 43 Nishioka Hiroshi. Japan Architect 10 Summer 1993, 127