Frederick Kiesler. Architectural Forum Nov 1950, 124 Giuliano Banfi, Emilio Battisti, Mario Robotti. Casabella 325 1968, 13 Herbert Bayer. Envisioning Architecture (MoMA, New York, 2002) 1938, 18 Aldo Rossi. Casabella 258 1961, 23 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 63 Mariana and Associates. Architectural Record. May 1974, 41 Jose P Belloni Gadea. Arquitectura. v.5 n.32 1919, 38 H. Douglas Byles, Eugene Weston, William Rudolph. Arts and Architecture. Sep 1952, 19 Peter Cook. A+U  1988, Chessa Architetto. Interiors 111 June 1952, 99 Toyo Ito. GA Japan vol 3 Spring 1993, 63 Taft Architects. GA Document. 6 1983, 73 Frank Gehry. GA Houses. 6 1979, 62 Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano. Auca. 33 1977, 41 Caruso St. John. AA Files 29 Summer 1995, 29 Weil Arets. AA Files 21 Spring 1991, 17 Fred Lloyd-Roche. Architectural Review (MANPLAN 3) v.146 n.873 Nov 1969, 378 Gibellina. Lotus 40 1983, 89 Jean Nouvel. Architectural Design 53 3-4 1983, 73 Peter Eisenman. A+U 232 January 1990, 150-151 Architetti Associati di Novara. Casabella 259 1962, 33 Steven Holl. Quaderns. 197 1992, 80 Michel Ecochard. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui. 96 Jun 1961, xxv Carlos Recamier. Calli. 33 1968, 28 Jean Aubert and Michel Cantal-Dupart. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 104 Cedric Price. Architectural Design 42 October 1972, 596 Noriaki Kurokawa. Casabella 273 1963, 33 Carles Ferrater, Agusti Borrell, Carles Borrell. Quaderns. 194 1992, 59 Bernard Tschumi. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 24 Neil Denari. A+U 246 March 1991, 34 Alan Boutwell and Michael Mitchell. Domus 470 January 1969, 4 Richard Neutra. Architectural Record 68 30 August 1930, 100 Stanley Saitowitz. GA Houses. 10 1982, 59 Donald R. Dohner. Interiors v.102 n.11 Jun 1943, 59 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 83 Stanley Tigerman. Architectural Review v.162 n.968 Oct 1977, 248 Hammond Beeby Babka. Progressive Architecture 61 January 1980, 103 Eduardo Catalano. Arts and Architecture. Apr 1953, 18 John Andrews. Architectural Review v.140 n.836 Oct 1966, 249 Guy Rothenstein. Progressive Architecture 29 June 1948, 86