Gene Loose and Kipp Stewart. Arts and Architecture. Oct 1950, 36 Juan Jose Diaz Infante N. Calli. 25 1967, 54 Neil Denari. A+U 246 March 1991, 23 Sara Roncoroni. Domus 545 April 1975, 36 Emilio Ambasz. Architectural Record 174 June 1986, 133 Rem Koolhaas. A+U 217 October 1988, 13 Archigram. Architectural Design 40 January 1970, 16 Quinlan Terry. Architectural Design v.62 n.5 1992, 54 Morphosis. GA Houses. 9 1981, 155 R.Buckminster Fuller. Envisioning Architecture (MoMA, New York, 2002) 1927, 64 Juan A Ruis. Arquitectura. v.5 n.32 1919, 40 Barry Byrce. Architectural Record 68 30 August 1930, 192 Michael Gold. AA Files 19 Spring 1990, 24 Antoine Grumbach. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 207 April 1980, 51 Emilio Ambasz. A+U Special Edition (April 1993) 1989, 44 Gino Pollini and Luigi Figini. Casabella 270 1962, 8 Mario Botta. GA Houses. 1 1976, 162 Alan Boutwell and Michael Mitchell. Domus 470 January 1969, 4 SITE. Architectural Record. Feb 1972, 102 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 142 Terry Farrell and Robert Adam. Architectural Design v.62 n.5 1992, 31 Foster Associates. Architectural Review (MANPLAN 3) v.146 n.873 Nov 1969 359, 1 Fujii Hiromi. GA Houses. 4 1978, 127 Peter Eisenman. GA Document. 3 1981, 92 Kiyoshi Ikebe. Sinkentiku. Jul 1957, 16 Ben Swildens. Cree 1 1969, 2 Snowden Price Newby. Architectural Design 35 September 1965, 454 Rino Levi, Roberto Cerqueira Cesar, L.R. Carvalho Frano. Modulo. 8 1957, 57 L. Finzi. Casabella 309 1966, 59 Morphosis. Quaderns. 184 1990, 49 Frank Lloyd Wright, Antonin Raymond. Envisioning Architecture (MoMA, New York, 2002) 1915, 45 Richard and Su Rogers. Architectural Review (MANPLAN 8) v.147 n.883 Sep 1970, 195 Lawrence Gentry. Architectural Record 100 September 1946, 105 Alain Sarfati. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 124 Cesar Pelli. GA Document. 11 1985, 51 Ron Herron. Architectural Design 39 July 1969, 378 Aldo Rossi. Lotus 11 1976, 49 Charles Eames. Architectural Review v.125 n.745 Feb 1959, 105 Emilio Ambasz. A+U Special Edition (April 1993) 1986, 17 Skidmore Owings Merrill. Architectural Record 100 August 1946, 74 Pirelli. Domus 310 September 1955, D Gutbrod, Otto, Leonhardt, Kendel, Keis, Medlin. Casabella 309 1966, 23 Hiroshi Kawahito. Japan Architect 20 Winter 1995, 209 Garofalo Lynn McInturf. Casabella 673 1999, 62 Ove Arup. Casabella 252 1961, 48 Michel Ecochard. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui. 96 Jun 1961, xxv Zaha Hadid. AA Files 15 Summer 1987, 86 Richard Neutra. Architectural Record 100 September 1946, 85 Frank Gehry. GA Document. 5 1982, 80 Giorgio Grassi. Architectural Design v.61 n.92 1991, 37