Charles Nicod. Les Grands Prix de Rome v.5 1905, 16 Stanley Tigerman. Progressive Architecture 61 January 1980, 103 Emilio Ambasz. A+U Special Edition (April 1993) 1989, 30 Paul Lester Wiener. Interiors v.101 n.1 Aug 1941, 18 Chicago Department of Development and Planning. Architectural Review v.162 n.968 Oct 1977, cover Yasuo Yoshida. GA Houses. 14 1983, 267 Hideo Azuma and Junko Takano. Japan Architect Feb 1987, 51 William Lescaze. Architectural Record 100 November 1946, 167 Fred Lloyd-Roche. Architectural Review (MANPLAN 3) v.146 n.873 Nov 1969, 378 Robert Moses and Oscar Nitzchke. Architectural Forum 72 March 1940, 156