Richard Neutra. Architectural Record 68 30 August 1930, 101 Atsushi Kitagawara. Japan Architect 8 Autumn 1992, 197 Shin Takamatsu. Arquitectura Viva v. 29 March-April 1993, 92 Diller Scofidio. Casabella 673 1999, 101 Elisa Brunner. Casabella 344 1970, 9 Renato Severino. l'Arca 77 December 1993, 19 Gaetano Pesce. L'invention du parc. Graphite 1984, 74 Harvey Ferrero. Architectural Design 63 November 1993, 82 Kenneth Browne. Architectural Review v.156 n.933 Nov 1974, 313 Makoto Sei Watanabe. SD 327 December 1991, 40 Remment Koolhass and Laurinda Spear. Progressive Architecture 56 January 1975, 47 Paul Rudolph. Domus v.558 May 1976, 22 Toyo Ito. Japan Architect 19 Autumn 1995, 101 Max Bill. Casabella 228 1959, 33 Royal McClure and Thomas Adkison. Arts and Architecture. Feb 1950, 21 Peter Eisenman. A+U 232 January 1990, 150-151 Hiroshi Kawahito. Japan Architect 20 Winter 1995, 208 Fred Lloyd-Roche. Architectural Review (MANPLAN 3) v.146 n.873 Nov 1969, 378 Juan Jose Diaz Infante N. Calli. 25 1967, 55 Bente and Ernst Lohse. A+U 188 May 1986, 51 Stanley Tigerman and GL Crabtree. A+U 55 July 1975, 45 Fernando Ortiz Flores. Calli. 27 1967, 11 Peter Wilson. A+U 218 November 1988, 48 Foster Associates. Architectural Review (MANPLAN 3) v.146 n.873 Nov 1969 359, 3 Ronald Tallon. Architectural Review v.149 n.887 Jan 1971, 51 Chris Dawson and Alan Stanton. Architectural Design 39 July 1969, 374 Fernando Domeyko. Auca. 34 1978, 46 Peter de Bretteville. GA Houses. 9 1981, 125 Rafael Vinoly. l'Arca 78 January 1994, 59 John G. Pickles. Architectural Review v.145 n.867 May 1969, 350 Steven Holl. GA Houses. 10 1982, 131 Augusto H. Alvarez. Calli. 29 1967, 46 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 104 G. Gresleri. Casabella 307 1966, 46 Ivor De Wolfe and Kenneth Browne. Civilia. Architectural Press London 1971, 142 Cheesewright Mason. Interiors v.100 n.6 Jan 1941, 22 Paul Rudolph. GA Houses. 1 1976, 78 Arquitectonica. GA Document. 7 1983, 56 Zaha Hadid. AA Files 17 Spring 1989, 73 Architetti Associati di Novara. Casabella 259 1962, 33