Ralph Lerner and Richard Reid. GA Houses. 11 1982, 113 Architetti Associati di Novara. Casabella 259 1962, 39 Unknown. Architectural Review v.153 n.915 May 1973, 284 Kazuo Shinohara. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 228 September 1983, 44 James Lambeth. Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui 209 June 1980, 93 Arata Isozaki. Japan Architect 12 Winter 1993, 83 Bassetti and Morse. Arts and Architecture. June 1950, 26 Vico Magistretti. Architectural Review v.153 n.911 Jan 1973, 58 F. Lloyd Roche. Architectural Review v.141 n.83 Jan 1967, 8 Alan Boutwell and Michael Mitchell. Domus 470 January 1969, 4